Bell Saddles and The Flying Kangaroo :


the iconic kanga

the iconic kanga

The Australian “Bell” saddles were apparently made by the Pierce Bell Trading Company ( Sydney ), but sadly I haven’t found out much else about them on the web.

Apart from the one on my ’59 Conqueror loop frame, I have no real way of dating them.
It seems that the saddles were made from the early WW2 period to some time in the 1960s and were fitted to some Speedwell bikes, among others – and that’s about all I know.

I remember seeing these saddles in my childhood days, with the kangaroo image from the model ’12-40′ imprinted into my memory from some moment long ago.

model i.d. on the side

model i.d. on the side

They are nowhere near the construction quality of most Brooks saddles of the day and yet for me they remain desirable Australian cycling items…

the two 12-40 frame types

the two 12-40 frame types

I have a couple of types of the 12-40 roadster model – one with a single rail and the other with a double looped sprung rail much like the current Brooks B18 ‘Lady’ saddle.

classic 12-40 saddles

my classic 12-40 saddles – the leather dressing was made in singleton, nsw.

The Model 80 fitted to my 1959 Conqueror ladies is even more like the Brooks as it has a similar leather flap on the saddle nose as well as a lovely floral design including what looks like wattle flowers.

model 80 lady's

model 80 lady’s

the model 80 lady's

the model 80 lady’s from my ’59 conqueror loop frame

badge - model 80 lady's

badge – model 80 lady’s

Here’s a sportier ‘Model 70’ in a darker red-brown – roughly similar in shape to a Brooks B17 narrow :

the model 70

model 70

model 70

This one below is a model 40 – it is in reasonable shape except that the tension bolt is almost at its limit.

underside model 40

underside model 40

unusual shaped model 40

unusually shaped model 40

Only two saddles here are badged at the rear, the Model 80 Lady’s – which has a metal relief and black paint, and a single tatty 12-40 with a blue coloured badge of flat metal.

It’s a shame that there is so little history available on these saddles – can anyone point me to a catalogue or some other resource on-line ?

See Ya !